Feeling the blues

Hey people, guess what? You know how I said I like The Lord of the Changing Winds by Rachel Neumeier a lot? As in, so much I would instantly purchase the sequel? Well I tried to purchase the sequel as soon as I had good wi-fi. What does iBooks tell me? “Insufficient store credit remaining”. I mean, what the heck?! I do so have enough left to get it! -_- I’ve checked and double checked, and I most certainly can purchase it. And yet it won’t let me… what to do now? Quietly stare at my fingers, indicating that it is the calm before the storm, or go ballistic and phone/e-mail a couple of people to find out if they are having purchasing problems on iTunes? I think I’ll take the second option.

Sooooo……. errrr…… oh yeah! I’ve been putting together the camping post and I already have the pictures I am going to use selected, so everything is all good. ๐Ÿ™‚ There are two of me, and both times I am wearing ze sunglasses. >:3 They are making me look mysterious. I think. Anyway, that’s all I really had to say I think, so I shall end this post telling you I am unhappy about not being able to purchase the sequel at the moment.

“Why have you become a goths?”
“Because I depressed about not having pie.”


About Adaraschia

I'm an aspiring author and lover of mythology. And wolves and my sister's Apple Cobbler. And horse stuff. And... [signal blocked]
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6 Responses to Feeling the blues

  1. GeorgeRocks says:

    Me too!!! I was so cheesed off!! I bought music and did the .99 cent movie of the week but not iBooks. My Mom gave me another iTunes card and when I tried again it worked and then I realized why it didn’t go through … THE @&$)”(;:/- TAXES!!!! I didn’t realize it, so that is what probably happened to you, too! The tax on my book was $1.15!!!!!

  2. MissKittyInTheCity says:

    It is the HST (new combined and added tax). I bout a book that was almost 10.00 and the buggers added on another dollar plus! Did you check the prices on kobo? A lot of their books are 2 to 5 plus dollars cheaper than apple!!

    • MissKittyInTheCity says:

      oopsie! meant to say “bought” …. I think my ipod edited again! grrrr ๐Ÿ˜‰

      • LCD says:

        No I haven’t checked the prices on Kobo, they don’t seem to have most of the books I want. I’ll check to see if Rachel Neumeier is on there though. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks for the suggestion Miss Kitty.

  3. O_O I. Love. The cat. โค

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